วันเสาร์ที่ 12 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Ming Dynasty

Ming Dynasty
In the late period of yuan dynasty, the peasants uprising broke out. In 1352, the rebel army captured Haozhou, Zhu Yuanzhang(1368-1398),a local peasant, joined the military. In 1356,Zhu led his army into Jiqing, changed the city name to “YIngtian”, and established Military base. Through the several year, the military and economical strength rapidly became stronger. From 1360-1367, he eliminated all the rebelled military force. In 1368, he crowned himself as the emperor and established the Ming Dynasty. Later at the same year, Dadu ,the capital city of Yuan, was captured by his military force. Yuan dynasty reign was ended. After that they also captured Annam and kept back the Mongols. The Chinese fleet also sailed in both China sea and Indian ocean. They cruised as far as to Africa. The other asian nation sent convoys with tribute to the emperor. The Ming dynasty began in 1368, and lasted until 1644 A.D (1)
Since he came from the origin of peasants, he improved and changed many things. As he had been peasants before, the policies about helping the poor were established. He kept the land tax low, and also kept granaries stocked to protect the famine. Furthermore the dikes were maintained on the Yangtze and Yellow river. He believed that agriculture drove the country’s economic on therefore he didn’t realize the importance of trading. Nevertheless, the court official was focused seriously ; a punishment had been given to the people who corrupted. He sent his son to supervise the local administration to make sure no rebellion occurred.(1,2)

After the death of Zhuyuanzhang his son, Zhu Yunwen(1398-1402) took over. Unfortunately, he was betrayed by Zhudi(1402-1424) (4th son of Zhu YuanZahng). Hence Zhu di was considered as one of the most important in period of ming dynasty. He reconstructed Beijing and transferred Capital from Yingtian to Beijing. Beijing is the capital until now. He became the chief architect of the Northern Border defence. Furthermore he reestablished order in the affairs of state. In addition he restored the grand canal from Yantze to yellow river,which helped to transport the grains to the North. In Beijing, the palace that had been occupied by Yuan dynasty, resurrected. He also began the commercial activity on the seas in order to expanding the influence of Ming Dynasty throughout Southeast Asia, which they were ahead of Portuguese and Spanish. After the death of Zhudi, his son, Emperor Zhu Gaozhi(1424-1425), was on the task. Unfortunately his live is short. Nevertheless still be called as the innovative emperor. Zhu Zhanji was the next emperor but he died 10 years later because of the illness. THe country was in peace until the emperor Zu Yijun(1425-1435),. In the early period, under the influence of a skilful chancellor, Zhang Juzheng ,the emperor, Zu Yijun, made the effort in the national economy, agriculture, water conservancy and military affairs, However after the death of the chancellor, the emperor began to neglect the state affairs. Since then, the country is on fire. THe ming army was defeated by the Latter Jin regime and the ming court were isolated in confrontation with “Later jin”. In 1628,the rebel army launched the battle. The leader was believed to be Li Zicheng. They were supported by the peasants. In 1644, the city, Xian, was captured by the army.The situation became worsen as the last emperor, Emperor Zhu Youjian(1656-1666). THe court officials corrupted, eunuch dominated and the occurance of natural disaster, injured people live badly. Eventually, the emperor Zu Youjian hanged himself in the hill of Beijing. This was the ended of Ming Dynasty (3)

Ming Dynasty’s culture developed quickly especially in Literature. Journey to the West, Outlaws of the Marsh, and Romance of the Three Kingdoms were written in the Ming Dynasty were the well known novels that they were writeen during the reign of Ming Dynasty. In philosophy,Wang Yangming produced the book “philosophy of mind” which influenced and helped shape the new social trend. Such book as medical book Compendium of Materia Medica by Li Shizhen, Song Yingxing's Heavenly Creations about handicraft industry, Xu Guangqi's Complete Treatise on Agriculture and Xu Xiake's Travels of Xu Xiake., were found. They were believed that they were written in early and middle period of ming dynasty. Ming dynasty had shown their potential in scientific development. The invention of the huochong gun was developed at this time as well. (1,3)

During Ming Dynasty, the economic of China began to developed. Feudal society started to be declined and Capitalism began to spread. Food and the handicraft product surpassed other previous dynasties. Handicraft product, especially percelian, become the major source of the state finance. THe development of handicraft promoted the economy and urbanization. During the reign of Emperor Shizong and Shenzong, the product such as silk, alcohol, porcelain, tobacco, crops, vegetable and fruits, were sold in the market. Meanwhile the product from other countries such as clock and tobacco were imported . The commercial metropolises in the big city such as Beijing,Nanjing,Suzhou , were successfully formed. However the policies of restraining commerce and ban shipping greatly decrease in the economic development
For thousands of years, the beliefs in ancestor worship and ancestor culture practicem were the features of Chinese civilization. On the other hand,there were some population that still believed in other religious. Chinese Buddhism had long since developed, Taoism was developed from the native ideology. Christainity had existed in China after the first arrival of the missionaries. (1,3)
During the same period, king Narai the great was once a king of Ayutthaya kingdom in 1656.He expand the diplomatic mission to and from the western power,mostly France ,England and Vatican. Mission were also sent and received from Persia, India, China as well as other neghbour states. During his reign, Siamese court was influenced heavily by the west. After the death of King Narai, the trade of Thialand didn’t recover until the mid nineteenth century.

Paul and Bernice Noll's Window on the World , month date year

THe picture are taken from http://www.wikipedia.org/

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Krakatoa 1883

Indonesia contains over 130 active volcanoes, more than any other country in the world. They comprise the axis of the Indonesian island arc system, which is formed by subduction of Northeast of Indo-Australian plate. Many of the volcanoes lie along the arc of two largest Island, Java and Sumatra. The Islands are separated by the Sunda Straits. Krakatoa is one of the volcanos on Rakata Island which is in Sundra Straits, and it is located on northeast fault zone. It sat on the hot spot of Pacific ring of fire. Krakatoa has shown a capacity to generate highly explosive eruption then sank into the deep magma. (5)

Early in the morning of May 20, 1883, the German warship’s captain reported seeing cloud of ash and dust rising above the island of Krakatau which the eruption had happened once ,two century ago. Over two months, crews on ships would experience similar spectacles, all of which were associated with a mild detonation. On August 27, the volcano entered the final stage of its eruption. Four enormous eruptions took place at 5.30AM, 6.42AM, 8.20AM, 10.02AM, the last one was the worst and loudest. Each eruption was followed by Tsunamis which was about 100 ft high. Large areas of Sundra Strait and Sumatran coast were effect by the flow of lava from the volcano. Around noon, a rain of hot ashes fell around Ketimbang in Sumatra. The Krakatau itself caused around thousand people killed. The explosions were very violent that it was heard as far away as Mauritius which was about 4800 km away. It was believed that it was the loudest eruption in History. Ashes are propelled to height of 50 miles. The eruptions stopped rapidly after that point. The volcano went back to sleep by the next day. Small eruption continued through February 1884. After all the island of Krakatau had almost entirely disappeared, leaving behind a 250 meter deep caldera. And then there were the seismic waves or Tsunami. It was believed that Tsunamis was caused by gigantic lava flows entering the sea, each explosive caused a lots of lava flows. It displaced huge volume amount of sea water. Also with the collapse of the volcano, this displaced even more amount of sea water. The tidal waves devastated the inhabited Island of Indonesia. Merek, the small Javanese town, was washed away. Ships as far away as countries in South Africa also had effected by Tsunamis. The combined effects of volcanic ashes and tsunamis were disastrous in the region. The Senesi city which was 13 km away from Krakatau, had no survivors from 3000 people. The Ketimbang which was 40 km away from Krakatau, 1000 people survived. The tsunamis killed about 36000 people. Many settlements were devastated. There was report of human skeleton floated on the Indian Ocean on the pumice raft. Land on Java is now a national park. In the year following the eruption, the global temperature fell by 1.2 degree Celsius. Weather patterns are changes for several years. The eruption injected large amount of sulfur dioxide gas which caused high level wind all over the world. This led to increase of the clouds which reflected the sunlight away therefore the planet was cooled down. Everything goes back to normal after the acid precipitation took part. (1,2,3,4,6,7)
Krakatoa sank after 1883. However in 1927, the top of the new volcano, Anak krakatoa, rise and it grew bigger every year. It definitely is going to be exploded. Hopefully, it will not be as violent as what’s happened in 1883. SInce Indonesia is LEDC, it doesn't recover as quick as the MEDCs. However the help from other countries were shown by sending stuff such as food and clothes to the country. Many villages were destroyed, the governemnt must use big amount of the money to help the country as well. (3,6)